For years i have been searching for an answer "HOW COULD I MAKE MY LIFE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SUCCESSFUL?" on the journey to finding answer i came across different solutions which i learned through my experiences and through the books i read but none gave me the right answer, i was still clueless and wandering to find an answer but the realization came one day, i was travelling in the wrong direction,the definition of success in the books i read and the life i experienced was very different from the reality they were just the shadows or illusions of the real success.
But i was lucky enough whenever i was failing to find an answer and searching no where,the blessings will dawn upon me in the form of people who actually show the meaning of success and where the beauty of life really lies.I was lucky enough i had people around me to show the right direction.I don t know whether you have such people with you,if you dont have one you dont need to get worried here i wish to share some of the real ways to achieve success and happiness in your life.Read the lines in the picture are you leading such a life and still saying you are succesfull in life,i just want to warn you that you are on the wrong track.
At many times i have been in the same situation,and seen a lots of people who live such a life without any meaning,they just live and die with the feeling that they have not lived life to the fullest,they had wasted their beautiful life and was unsuccessful.Why is this happening.These lines by Ralph Waldo Emerson gives a clear definition of what actual success is let us read it together.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Those who have been waiting for long paragraphs of writing on success,i have definitely made them sad,but i can assure you that this is what actual success is because i have started trying these things in my life and it has started showing results,my life has become more beautiful,which is equal to real success in my life.
Some of the things that you should keep in mind:
* Even if you are unhappy ,spread happiness the reflections will come back to you ,you will be more happy then,your life becomes beautiful
* Follow that great values that made you ,people will trust in you and will be with you for everything
*Like Abraham Lincoln said there may be negative people don't make them bother you
*Appreciate others for the great things that they do ,it will make them grow and in turn will be a shade to you and the world
* Each day make it a habit to touch one persons life,and that feeling of making others happy is really beautiful try it you will see the magic.
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