a journey through college life part 1

Ater getting admission in to the mechanical engineering department of jyothi engineering college it was our first day at college.On the first day the college have arranged for a induction ceremony for freshers and we all where very excited to be at the new atmosphere.Everybody came to jyothi with new heights of expectations and i was no different from them.Getting admission into the mechanical stream of jyothi engineering college i have made my mind to become ferrari engineer because the glamour and money involved with it do attracted me.When we reached the college we all where directed to collect our id cards from the office after i got there i asked the sir standing there to check out for my id card in the lot and tyo my dismay he could not find one.After a few minutes the sir came up with a tag with my name written very neatly in it and below the name i could see the branch name written as cse.I decided to make him clear that i have joined in the mechanical engineering department and they have gone wrong writing my branch name.After looking at me he just asked me this question "had you given a higher option" which changed my fate.I thought for a while and said "ya" deep inside i thought "so what" he replied this is the reason why you didnt find your id card in cse department lot,yet things where not clear for me i was just staring at him as though he has done a mistake he told me "you have got a higher option"so i replied "higher option" i dont need that i have already made up my mind,but he was not ready to hear that he told me there is no choice for you other than taking it,he added the only other option was to cancel your higher option before but i havent done that.The next things that came flashing into my mind was my drems crashlanding and burning into ashes and i realised the great truth that i could no more become a ferrari engineer.but as though nothing had happend i gave him a smile and walked away with my id card, walking down the corridor i was very sad and felt very depressed i just thought the journey that i began has taken a "U" turn and there is no hope ahead.Ya friends life is all about facing the unexpected and the truth is that you wont be able travel a prdefined path always,the path would appear dynamically and the real wisdom lies in realising that there is light at the end of tunnel,a ray of hope that is ever shining on you and waiting for you.May be you may be depressed and feel sad and often think that why is this happening,but friends the greatest message that i got from this is that life is a journey that begins when you are born and each pocket road or main road that you take in life has a meaning and purpose and we have to willingly or un willingly do have to take that diversion to fulfill that target it in life.
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