Dhoni have become the most spotted captains in the world after a spectacular win in the world cup and this has led to bring out the qualities of a true leader and how he had lead from the front.Today i would like to speak about the qualities of this great man which could be very much of use for your next presentation
One should be a performer and demonstrate the same to our team. Performance is itself the most effective communication.So what you need is that you need to come up with your personal stories of inspiration.
Leader has to be humble in a way and consider himself part and parcel of the team and not above the team and dont be arrogant when you speak or speak one sided just generalize.
Allow them to experiment and take risk,always do try to make new experimentation in the way you come up with your presentation.
In case of failure, encourage him / her to introspect and do it next time with more vigor and better planning,failures are a part and parcel of life what you need is to take the failure as an inspiration to achieve the target.
Make everyone in the team feel that, even though we are leaders, we are just one among them.
We should also believe in the ones who failed in the Team. At crucial times a team member who was not able to deliver might do miracles.
When you are making a presentation be calm and cool sometime you may have to face some extreme conditions always be prepared for that and just say to yourself you cant have a smooth sailing always because if ultimately you want success you want to take risks and face tough situations
Share the credit of success with your team members and praise them in public,try to convey the ideas which is most suited to your crowd and be flexible to relate.
Alas you should believe in yourself.
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